A three-day epic adventure in one of the most beautiful parts of our country. Averaging approx. 100km per day at your own pace with support vehicles.
For some history of the event, click here.
We will be providing support equipment and logistics to assist in keeping the experience high and the costs low! Fully supported ride with extra bikes and wheels for breakdowns and flats.
The dates on our calendar include Friday to travel to Cape Breton. Most of us are content to drive home after our final ride on the third day so we didn't add an extra day for travel home. We'll be starting at the Bras d’Or Lakes campground in Baddeck. Remember that Monday is a holiday so you can likely do the whole trip without taking time off work unless you work on weekends.
Each day averages 100k or so. Some days are tougher than others but don't let that deter you from joining. We'll be going in a clockwise orientation this year. The thought of cycling the Cabot Trail may be intimidating to some but we can guarantee that you will find the level of involvement that is right for you and simply love the tour. Set your own personal goal or simply come to enjoy time with your friends and the incredible beauty of the trail. The intent is to include, not deter.
The general information that you need to know is as follows: All participants are encouraged to travel to Baddeck and car pool where possible. Vehicles that aren't used as support are left in Baddeck until we complete the loop. Costs associated with traveling to and from your location to Baddeck are not included in the costs of the Tour.
The cost of the Tour does include:
support vehicles
breakfast (Sat, Sun, Mon)
dinner (Fri, Sat, Sun)
transportation of gear between campsites
camping fees
National Park fees
Lunch is NOT provided - you can bring your own, but most stop at a restaurant along the way.
Riders are discouraged from bringing loads of camping gear and cooking supplies. If you have a huge tent, consider sharing it with others. Campsites generally limit how many tents can be placed on a given location. Less is more!
Registration is $220 for riders, or $170 to add an accompanying non-rider.
Register on Zone4 at https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=31900.
If you haven't joined us in the past, or have never even been on the trail, ask someone who has. Plan ahead, and book the long weekend in September now, you won't be disappointed!
For more information about the Tour, contact Mark Bowlan: mbowlan@gmail.com or 902-394-1131.